Organization: CIMIC Centre of Excellence (CCOE)
Registration deadline: 08 Feb 2016
Starting date: 07 Mar 2016
Ending date: 18 Mar 2016
The aim of this course is to enable CMI/CIMIC personnel (OF 3 – OF 6) from Strategic, Joint Force and Component Command Level and equivalent non NATO and non military personnel, to conduct CMI/CIMIC activities across the full spectrum of military engagement in a modern conflict situation or in a humanitarian relief operation, to assess the political-military context, to interact with all parties within a conflict situation and to contribute with CMI/CIMIC functional expertise to the planning and other staff processes.
Subjects of the course
- Evaluation of the Political-Military context in the framework of CIVMIL implications
- Interpretation of the Civil-Military environment in order to identify common interests and the fields of interaction
- Contrasting CIVMIL implications in regards to the planning process and the evaluation of the impacts on the CIVMIL environment
- Compiling CIVMIL inputs following staff procedures and supporting the staff synchronisation process
- Generation of CIVMIL training and education requirements
- Language proficiency: Students must have the following standards of proficiency in English (as described in STANAG 6001):
- listening – good/3
- speaking – good/3
- reading – good/3
- writing – good/3
- NCHCC ADL Module is mandatory and needs to be successfully completed by the students before the NCHCC residential part
- Details about the ADL account will be forwarded after registration to the course.
The NATO CMI/CIMIC HIGHER COMMAND COURSE will be conducted in 2 iterations per year. The duration is 2 weeks.
Tuition Fee
Students from Sponsoring Nations: 250.00 Euro
Students from Non-Sponsoring Nations: 495.00 Euro
How to register:
Please visit our website on:
You will find our whole CIMIC Course landscape, Student Infoguide and Course Registration form
In case of any further question please contact per email